On the last day of our trip, after dinner I got a voicemail from my Mom's best friend that she had a heart attack and was in the ICU. We left very early the next day and broke off from our friends to get back to Mom's. The neighbors watched our kids, and we were able to go and see her that morning. She had 100% blockage in one artery, and they installed 3 stents to unblock her. She is home now, and is feeling better. She has some new eating habits to learn, and needs to learn to relax a little more. We are all feeling very fortunate that the circumstances weren't worse and that we still have her here with us.
On a scrapping note, we are having a Christmas in July Crop at Be sure to stop by http://chattyscrappers.net/forum/index.php and participate in the challenges!

We are having fun over at Mojoholders, check out the fabulous Friday lifts by the fabulous artists that are out there in the scrapping world! http://mojoholder.typepad.com/my_weblog/